Thursday, September 1, 2011 (PRWEB) June 22, 2011 On May 31, President Obama signed the national Great Outdoors Month proclamation for June. Since 2004, Presidential proclamation of Great Outdoors Month has come annually. It provides a great opportunity for children and families to go outside and engage in active, outdoor play. Additionally, it encourages individuals to take advantage of parks and playgrounds, forests, refuges, and other public lands and waters.
Landscape Structures Inc., a Delano, Minn.-based commercial playground equipment manufacturer, is committed to getting children and families outdoors to play naturally in their surrounding environment. The company offers nature-inspired playground equipment, which it hopes will draw children outdoors to engage in play. Unstructured, outdoor play leads to greater physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Learn more about nature-inspired playground designs and how to create nature-inspired play environments.
Also celebrated in June is National Get Outdoors Day (GO Day). On Saturday, June 11, nature centers, parks, campgrounds and schools offered activities to help reconnect youth to the outdoors. Children and families around the country spent time outside playing on playground equipment, participating in nature walks, wildlife presentations and more. The fourth annual celebration proved to once again provide healthy, active outdoor fun for everyone.

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