Monday, September 12, 2011 My fiance and I have been together for over 3 1/2 years living together for three of them. We are perfect matches for each other. However, one year ago she moved out to the more suburban area where I grew up from a more rural setting where she grew up. We both thought this would be a great idea because of career opportunities. A couple of weeks ago our life together looked as though it was falling perfectly into place as we both have good jobs and she is given an excellent opportunity to be a chemist as well as a botanist and I am currently being considered as a top contender for a high profile position in my field. Last week she visited her family and came back completely convinced that her family is the most important thing in her life ( I agree it is) and told me she was moving back because she doesn't like the city and wants to raise her children where her family is. I can't go with her because well honestly there is no future for either of us there (as far as careers go, it is relatively a dead end). We are still very much in love but I guess family trumps me. Oh and to make it worse we have to live together until she leaves in a month because there is no where for us to go. Any advice on surviving this heart wrenching experience?

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