Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Ada, OH (PRWEB) February 11, 2005 Before purchasing the Landro Play Analyzer, Head Coach Dean Paul at Ohio Northern University investigated alternatives to traditional video editing systems. After discovering how labor-intensive video cut-and-edit processes are, Coach Paul purchased three Landro systems at the beginning of last season, and is reaping the benefits in cost and time efficiency, teaching ability and player preparation.
"Video tape and video editing systems don’t come close to having the presentation capabilities Landro has provided us with," Coach Paul explains. "We have three of them networked together and I intend to add two more next season. My defensive coordinator simply drops all of last weeks defensive plays over the Landro network right onto the Landro in my office. With no more tapes, we’ve saved a ton of money right there."
The Landro Play Analyzer is not a video editor, but a digital "play analysis" tool used to study game videos. Designed especially for head football coaches, it allows viewers to instantly jump to game plays without using video tape. This revolutionary device allows football coaches to analyze their plays, study player technique and expose opponent’s tendencies 100 times faster and without the inconvenience associated with video tape. The Landro® system is easy to use and is quickly becoming a fundamental tool in football gaming strategy across America.
Landro technology is completely portable and may be connected directly to the camera at a game site. The beginning and end of each play is marked while recording, and immediately after the game, plays are available for viewing. For additional detail, plays may be "cataloged" by situations like offense, defense, down, distance, play, formation and cover for instant availability by theme. These features make strategy room coaching easier, faster and more effective.

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